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級別:天使 ( 14 )
威望:8204 點
金錢:109176 USD
貢獻:2345679 點
認證: 技術區認證會員




Bucha 和 Irpin 是抵抗俄罗斯入侵的象征,但现在它们已成为战争中最严重的虐待行为的代名词。

乌克兰当局表示,到目前为止,在基辅周边地区发现了 410 具平民的尸体。



在俄罗斯于 2 月 24 日对其邻国发动入侵两三天后,一列抵达布哈的俄罗斯坦克和装甲运兵车 (APC) 遭到乌克兰人的袭击,阻碍了前进。

俄罗斯人增援并留在首都郊区的地区,无法向前推进太多,直到他们于 3 月 30 日开始撤出,专注于乌克兰东部的战争。

许多平民逃离了该地区 - 但有些人留在后面,试图避开俄罗斯人。他们在苏联时代的公寓外生起柴火,在户外做饭,因为他们的煤气、电力和水都被切断了。







Maxar 拍摄的卫星图像显示,在圣安德鲁和 Pyervozvannoho All Saints 教堂附近的 Bucha 有一个 14m(45ft)的乱葬坑。

该公司表示,在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后不久,3 月 10 日发现了最初的挖掘迹象。

布查居民说,第一批尸体在战争的最初几天被埋在那里,因为俄罗斯人“射杀了他们看到的每一个人” ,造成数十人死亡。被埋葬的估计在 150 到 300 人之间。


在 2022 年 4 月 3 日发表的一份报告中,它记录了 3 月 4 日在布查发生的一起事件,其中俄罗斯士兵强迫五名男子“跪在路边,将他们的 T 恤拉过头顶,并开枪打死一人后脑勺的男人”。


在附近的 Motyzhyn 村,BBC 的一个团队被带到一个浅浅的坟墓——可以看到四具尸体,乌克兰官员说可能还有更多。

其中三具尸体已被确定为村长奥尔加·索年科(Olga Sohnenko)、她的丈夫和儿子的尸体。第四个尚未确定。


BBC 目睹了一个埋在 Motyzhyn 的家庭的浅坟


有人在这样做时遭到枪击。3 月 6 日,四名平民——一名妇女、她十几岁的儿子、她八岁左右的女儿和一个家庭朋友——在试图穿过一座破旧的桥梁时都被迫击炮火烧死。


3 月 7 日,无人机拍摄的画面显示,一辆汽车在基辅郊外的道路上行驶,一名男子举手从车上出现。他的身体倒在地上。31 岁的马克西姆·约文科(Maksim Iovenko)被驻扎在路边的俄罗斯军队击毙。他在车上的妻子克塞尼亚也遇难了。

人权观察报告包括哈尔科夫市一名母亲的案件,她在一所平民避难的学校内被一名 20 岁的俄罗斯士兵强奸。

Volodymyr Zelensky 总统毫不怀疑俄罗斯军队正在犯下战争罪,甚至对他的人民进行种族灭绝。大多数人认为种族灭绝是最严重的危害人类罪。它被定义为对特定人群的大规模灭绝——以纳粹在 1940 年代根除犹太人口的努力为例。







DMCA / ABUSE REPORT | TOP Posted: 04-04 21:49 發表評論
掂過碌蔗 [樓主]

級別:天使 ( 14 )
威望:8204 點
金錢:109176 USD
貢獻:2345679 點
認證: 技術區認證會員

引用第1樓无如止水於2022-04-04 21:53發表的 :

Ukraine war: Ukraine investigates alleged execution of civilians by Russians
Published2 hours ago
Russia-Ukraine war

Ukraine has started a war crimes investigation after bodies of civilians were found strewn on the streets as Russian troops pulled out of areas around the capital Kyiv.
Bucha and Irpin were symbols of resistance to the Russian invasion, but they are now becoming synonymous with the war's most serious abuses.
Ukrainian authorities say the bodies of 410 civilians have been found in the areas around Kyiv so far.
Russia, without evidence, says the photos and videos are "a staged performance" by Ukraine.
But what officials and reporters have seen there in the wake of the Russian withdrawal has left many in deep shock.

What happened in Bucha?
Two or three days after Russia launched the 24 February invasion of its neighbour, a column of Russian tanks and armoured personnel carriers (APC) that had arrived in Bucha was attacked by Ukrainians, stalling the advance.
The Russians reinforced and stayed in the area on the outskirts of the capital, unable to move forward much, until they began pulling out on 30 March to concentrate on the war in eastern Ukraine.
Many civilians had fled the area - but some stayed behind, trying to avoid the Russians. They set up wood fires outside their Soviet-era flats, cooking on them outdoors because their gas, power and water were cut.
It is during this period that Russians reportedly started going house to house.
Witnesses have described how Russian soldiers fired on men fleeing after refusing to allow them to leave through humanitarian corridors.
The BBC's Jeremy Bowen and his colleagues saw rusting and twisted wreckage of the column that still lies where it was destroyed on that suburban street of Bucha.
Our correspondent spoke to a man who told him he felt sorry for the Russian conscripts who begged locals not to turn them over to the Ukrainian defence forces.
It looks as if Russians, as they prepared to pull out of Bucha, had no such pity.
At least 20 dead men were found lying in the street. Many had extensive wounds - some had been shot through the temple, as if executed. Some had clearly been run over by tanks.
Satellite images taken by Maxar show a 14m (45ft) mass grave in Bucha near the church of St Andrew and Pyervozvannoho All Saints.
The company says the first signs of excavation were spotted on 10 March - not long after the launch of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
And Bucha residents have said the first bodies were buried there in the first few days of the war, as Russians killed scores by "shooting everyone they saw". Estimates of those buried range from 150-300.

'Shot in the back of the head'
Human Rights Watch has gathered evidence of alleged war crimes in Bucha and other cities and towns under the control of Russian forces.
In a report published on 3 April 2022, it recorded an account of an incident in Bucha on 4 March in which Russian soldiers forced five men "to kneel on the side of the road, pulled their T-shirts over their heads, and shot one of the men in the back of the head".
The Ukrainians say similar accounts are surfacing elsewhere and will be investigated.
In the nearby village of Motyzhyn, a BBC team were taken to see a shallow grave - four bodies were visible, and Ukrainian officials said there could be more.
Three of the bodies have been identified as that of the head of the village Olga Sohnenko, her husband and her son. The fourth has not been identified yet.
It is unclear when they were killed.
The areas around Kyiv now back under Ukrainian control include the commuter town of Irpin, where heart-breaking images showed civilians fleeing under Russian fire for days on end.
There were cases of people being shot at as they did so. On 6 March four civilians - a woman, her teenage son, her daughter of around eight years of age, and a family friend - were all killed by mortar fire as they tried to cross a battered bridge.
In another incident, a mother and son were also killed and buried by neighbours in their courtyard.
On 7 March, drone footage showed a car on a road outside Kyiv, from which a man emerges with hands raised. His body falls to the ground. Maksim Iovenko, 31, was shot dead by Russian forces that were positioned at the roadside. His wife Ksenia, who was in the car, was also killed.
The HRW report includes the case of a mother in the city of Kharkiv, who was raped by a 20-year-old Russian soldier inside a school where civilians were sheltering.

Accusations of war crimes and genocide
President Volodymyr Zelensky has no doubt that Russian troops are committing war crimes and even genocide against his people. Genocide is understood by most to be the gravest crime against humanity. It is defined as a mass extermination of a particular group of people - exemplified by the efforts of the Nazis to eradicate the Jewish population in the 1940s.
"The world has already seen many war crimes. At different times. On different continents. But it is time to do everything possible to make the war crimes of the Russian military the last manifestation of such evil on earth," Mr Zelensky said on Sunday, as evidence of the murders of Bucha became public.
He told US network CBS's Face the Nation programme: "Indeed. This is genocide.
"The elimination of the whole nation, and the people. We are the citizens of Ukraine. We have more than 100 nationalities. This is about the destruction and extermination of all these nationalities."
Many Western countries have expressed their horror at the images of bodies strewn on city streets.
But Russia remains defiant. It says its operation - which they refuse to call a war of invasion - is proceeding according to plan, and that accusations of war crimes are all fake.


    TOP Posted: 04-04 22:00 #1樓 引用 | 點評
    掂過碌蔗 [樓主]

    級別:天使 ( 14 )
    威望:8204 點
    金錢:109176 USD
    貢獻:2345679 點
    認證: 技術區認證會員

    引用第40樓东道度家於2022-04-05 06:49發表的  :


    TOP Posted: 04-05 08:27 #2樓 引用 | 點評
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